6 Tips for disruptive online sales in 2022

Sales block is no fun.

Especially when you own an eCommerce store and you see no improvement in your sales numbers.

Despite the internet being flooded with a countless number of blogs and articles on “how to improve sales?”, none give a straightforward answer to this question.

So, it’s no wonder you’re still sitting there struggling to make your next move.

If you’re someone who’s looking for laser-focused solutions to improve sales, then this one is for you.

Here we’re, not to say something like “plan your marketing strategy”, “analyze your audience”, or “provide value”, but to give you some straightforward hacks that will keep you in business while you establish yourselves.

NOTE: These 6 tips train your customers to buy from you when you tell them to buy. You can often use these in combination to create a dramatic impact.

Email list

Yes, Emails are old. We’ve social media. Maybe, AI is taking over.

So what? You think you don’t need an email list after this?

Then, you’re WRONG!

Email list

Building your email list can be a daunting task in the initial stages. It may grow very very slow compared to your social media following.

But remember, many social media channels may come and go. But, an email list will always be yours.

You get to pick. You decide whom to retarget, what promotions to send without paying a penny for ads and you also get the opportunity to build your community with hand-picked loyal customers.

Another reason why emails are timeless is the customers have already chosen to hear from you. They aren’t hit randomly by some paid ads to ignore. This makes them quality leads.

So, grow your email list. Email marketing is the answer to increasing sales.

Scarcity tactics

One of the key components of a compelling sales offer is “scarcity” – You’d heard this term limitless times before. But when used right, you drastically improve your sales conversion rate.

In marketing, scarcity is a principle that makes products/services appear limited and hard to get. And, we always want what we can’t get right?

Scarcity tactics

FOMO gives your customers a reason to BUY NOW! Because if they don’t they would miss out. The four types of scarcity that work like a charm are,

  • Price Scarcity – “Get your product at 70% off now”
  • Quantity Scarcity – “Only 3 seats left on our site” or “Offer only till stocks last”
  • Premium Scarcity – “Exclusive 5 Free bonuses” or “30 days free trial”
  • Offer Scarcity – “Only 2 days left” or “Limited time offer”

Whichever type you pick, use it well.

Give a valid reason why it’s happening. Because when you give a reason ‘why’, you create more trust from your audience.

Shoppable content

This new-gen shopping venue had made shopping more exciting, engaging, and seamless.

It gives customers a direct opportunity to purchase from you.

Over 25% of consumers’ search begins on social media and 87% of people say they decide what to buy with help from social media.

Shoppable content

What more do you need to get’em started?

Integrate Instagram for shoppable posts. Over 130 Million Instagram users click on shoppable posts every month to know more about the products.

When we say ‘shoppable posts’ it’s not just Instagram posts, there are many other content forms as well.

Other types of shoppable posts you must try are,

  • Pinterest pins
  • Shoppable videos
  • Shoppable articles
  • Shoppable video ads

Shoppable content is a wonderful idea to offer an exceptional omnichannel experience as well.

B2B, B2C, whether you sell clothing or SaaS software, these browsable product content redirect your audience to the expected page like a pro.


You may hate popups as a consumer but trust us they work – That’s why you see them all over the web.

Employing popups sparingly and strategically works incredibly well for eCommerce stores.

Position it right such that it’s highly visible but doesn’t overlap on items on the product page.


To make popups less annoying, stop showing it the very second someone enters your eCommerce site. It’s like slamming the door right on their face.

Let your users be on your site or scroll for a certain time, probably 10-20 seconds at least, before throwing them a popup.

Keep your popups relevant and useful to the shoppers, so that it works in favor of you rather than a distraction.

Finally, use these popups as the last-second effort to get your audience to take the desired action.

Popups with promos, discounts, offers, or freebies increase conversions and lessen cart abandonment rates.


Don’t give all your money to Facebook and Google. If you want to grow your business why don’t you check some other sources of advertising as well?

Maybe you’ll find someone who could do it for little or no money and get you a more than a 90% conversion rate.

Yeah, there is such a way, and yes, it’s absolutely legit.


Referrals programs it is!

Referrals programs are the most effective tactic to onboard new customers. Simply make your customers refer you with a tweet, email link, or anything.

Always keep in mind to integrate your referral program with your product or service and let it flow with it.

For instance, for your eCommerce store, you can simply say “Hey, refer more people and enjoy free delivery in your next purchase”.

This way you create a win-win situation. Your customer is sure to refer someone as well as repeat purchase with you because they have earned a “free delivery”.

Live chat

C’mon, you can’t dump all the information, additional information, and secondary information about your eCommerce business on the homepage of the website.

And, we never know what extra help a visitor may need while navigating through your website.

Through live chat, you’re always there for your visitors.

By adding live chat to your online store you communicate directly to your customers when they have a burning query to be answered.

Live chat

Yes, customers can get in contact with you through your contact us page or email. But, these involve a lot of steps and undetermined waiting times.

This may make your visitors click away, costing you a sale.

Did you know? 77% of Shoppers don’t make a purchase on a website that doesn’t have a live chat option.

Other than establishing an effortless connection, the live chat option also

  • Increases user experience and interaction
  • Increases conversion
  • Leverages online customer service

In short, live chat humanizes your online store mimicking the traditional store shopping with instant support from a friendly real person.

Wrapping up!

There you go – use these 6 guidelines to skyrocket your online sales much easier than you think.

Each tip mentioned above has proven to be effective with a number of online businesses like yours.

And, strategically combining one or more of these can propel your business to new heights.

Lastly, if you’re looking for some personalized analysis and approach for your eCommerce store, feel free to connect with our experts.


The Commerce Shop, the leading eCommerce agency offers best-in-class eCommerce solutions, development, maintenance, and marketing services to a wide range of clients. With high expertise in multiple industries, The Commerce Shop is a trusted partner for hundreds of eCommerce companies.