DIY Workshop: Essential Components of A Winning Shopping Cart Page

Join us live & learn how to—

  • Find out your ‘shopping cart effectiveness score’
  • Create a killer shopping cart page
  • Skyrocket your conversion rates with smooth checkout experiences

Thursday, 18 January 2024
2 PM, Eastern Time


DIY WORKSHOP: Essential Components of A Winning Shopping Cart Page

What’s Included in Our 3-Part, Expert-Guided Workshop?

Part #1: Our Experts Will Walk You Through The Must-Haves of A Winning Shopping Cart Page

From product recommendations to security badges, from order summary to coupon codes, from trust icons to quantity selection, there are 30+ elements that are essential for your shopping cart’s success. Our experts will shed light on the shopping cart must-haves, best practices, and industry-specific examples that you can copy for your eCommerce store.

Part #2: Access Our Free ‘Shopping Cart Grader’ & Find Out Your Shopping Cart Effectiveness Score

We will grant you access to our exclusive shopping cart and checkout grader to review your existing shopping cart using a curated set of yes-or-no questions. At the end of this less-than-five-minute activity, you will get your score and learn where your cart stands against industry benchmarks. The best part? Our experts will help you discover your next best steps based on your score.

Part #3: Get A Free Mockup Design For Your Shopping Cart & Checkout Pages

As an exclusive giveaway for our webinar attendees, we provide free mockup design for your shopping cart and checkout pages on demand. Designed by our expert user experience specialists, the mockup design will help you get a clear and comprehensive idea of how your shopping cart page should look like when revamped for high conversions.

Co-Hosted By


Transforming customer support with cutting-edge chatbots powered by AI


Delivering greatness through cutting-edge e-commerce solutions

Join Our First-of-its-Kind, DIY Ecommerce Workshop

Topics Covered:

  • Must-have Shopping Cart Essentials
  • Product Recommendations
  • Order Summary & Progress Indicators
  • Trust Boosters & Security Badges
  • User Experience Factors
  • Flexible Payment Options
  • Checkout Accelerators
  • Best Practices For High Conversions

The Webinar Will Be Useful For:

  • Ecommerce Business Owners, Founders,
  • CEOs & CMOs
  • Designers & User Experience Enthusiasts
  • Ecommerce Marketing Specialists
  • CRO Specialists
  • Professionals Working in Ecommerce Sales & CRM
  • And anyone curious about discovering new dimensions of eCommerce growth

You’ll Also Get:

  • Live Q and A session
  • 30-minute on-demand meeting with the speakers
  • Free mockup design of your shopping cart & checkout pages
  • Access to our premium library of curated eCommerce resources

Featured Speakers

Sathish Kumar

Sathish Kumar Mariappan
Founder & CEO, TheCommerceShop

8-Figure Revenue Specialist: Sathish has helped 500+ brands build world-class eCommerce websites. He specializes in crafting customer-centric and UX-rich websites where conversions come baked in. Sathish has enabled hundreds of businesses to achieve an 8-figure revenue.

Colin Boddy

Colin Boddy
Customer Experience Expert, Innoppl

YoY Growth Specialist: Colin Boddy is a seasoned B2B and B2C eCommerce expert. With a wealth of experience as an architect, he is dedicated to creating strong business foundations that withstand the test of time and deliver year-over-year growth. His expertise has helped grow businesses worth over $2 billion.